Chapter 6: Javascript: Introduction to Scripting

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds

Welcome to Javascript!

  • What is javascript?
    • Client side scripting language
  • What is scripting?
    • Generally tied with interpreted languages, meaning the code is translated to machine code right before execution (vs. compiled code)

Welcome to Javascript!

Why do we care?

Getting Started

  • <script> HTML element allows us to add Javascript to our HTML document

    • Typically goes in the <head> portion of the document
  • Example:

                <script type="text/javascript"> script_stuff </script>

Example: hello_world.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 6.1: welcome.html -->
        <!-- Displaying a line of text. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>A First Program in JavaScript</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            // the document object accesses the current HTML document
            // writeln is a method that writes a line to the document
            // the enclosed  argument to writeln is the content to write to the document
            document.writeln("<h1>Welcome to JavaScript Programming!</h1>");

          <!-- Notice our empty body -->


Example: hello_world.html

  • Finally we see the object model!
  • We will see more, but for now:
  • document is the HTML document, represented through a javascript object
    • We will cover this concept in more detail in Chapter 12 (Document Object Model)
  • .writeln() is a method within the document object
    • It writes content to the HTML document, followed by a new line (that's the ln)
    • "<h1>Welcome to JavaScript Programming!</h1>" is a string and is the content to write to the HTML document

External Javascript Files

  • Example

                <script src="srcipt.js">
  • Loads the Javascript in srcipt.js into this HTML document

Javascript Basics

Statements and Keywords

  • Keywords are words with special meaning to javascript
    • var is an example
  • A statement is a program statement to execute by the javascript interpreter

Javascript Basics


  • A variable is a container to store data in
    • Think about this like a math variable, but in javascript, variables can store any data
    • Declared with var myVar;
      • Can declare multiple variables at once with a comma-serparated list
        • E.g. var myVar, myVar1, myVar2;
    • Assign the variable a value with myVar = 5;

Example: hello_world_variables.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 6.1: welcome.html -->
        <!-- Displaying a line of text. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>A First Program in JavaScript</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            // declare a variable to hold our string
            var text = "<h1>Welcome to JavaScript Programming!</h1>";
            var myDocVar = document;
            // use the variables to write the content to the document

          <!-- Notice our empty body -->


Javascript Basics


  • Sidenote: Javascript variables do not have a type; their type is determined by the content they store
    • What does this mean? Well, we've seen var be assigned to a string (hello_world_variables.html) and to a number (above, myVar =5;).
      • So var represents any variable, could be a string, could be an int
      • This contrasts with many programming languages, like C/C++, Java
      • Moreover, a variable is not bound to a particular type. We can reassign it at any time to any type (e.g. myVar = 5; myVar = "cheese";)

Javascript Basics


  • Despite the fact variables can store any types, we still have to have a notion of types (take more CS courses to learn more about this!)
    • String: a string of text. E.g. var myVar = "cheese";
      • Can use double or single quotes, but must be consistent (whatever you start the string with, you must end the string with)
    • Number: a number. E.g. var myVar = 5;
    • Boolean: True/False value. E.g. var myVar = true;

Javascript Basics


  • Array: multiple of values in one variable. E.g. var myVar = [5, "cheese", false];
    • Elements are accessed using 0-indexing
    • E.g. myVar[0] is 5, myVar[2] is false
  • Object: everything in javascript is an object, and you can store objects in variables. E.g. var myVar = document;

Javascript Basics

  • Identifiers
    • Formal name for a variable's name (e.g. myVar)
    • Can contain letters, digits, underscores,and dollar signs.
    • Must not begin with a digit and must not be a keyword

Javascript Basics

  • Comments
    • Single line: start with //
    • Multiline: start with /* ends with */

Javascript Basics

  • Literals are literal values you provide your script
    • They do not change value
    • Can you spot the literal?
      • var myVar = 5;
      • var myVar = "cheese";
    • These are not modifable, fixed values provided by you, the programmer.

Javascript Basics

Basic Operators

  • Basic Operators define operations on variables or literals. Used to process data. We will talk about more as we go along.

Javascript Basics

Basic Operators

  • Addition/Concatenation: +, used to add two numbers together, or merge two strings
    • 6 + 9; yields 15
    • "Hello " + "world!" yields "Hello world!"

Javascript Basics

Basic Operators

  • Subtract, multiply, divide: -, *, /, used just as they in basic math (you can't divide a string by another string, concatenation is special!)
    • 6 * 5; yields 30

Javascript Basics

Basic Operators

  • Assignment: =, we've already seen this. It's used to take a value (either an object or a literal) and assign it another object (typically a variable)
    • var myVar = 6 * 5; assigns myVar to 30

Javascript Basics

Basic Operators

  • Remainder: %, used to perform modulo.
    • Modulo/remainder division finds the remainder of an integer division
    • E.g. 11 % 5 yields 1 because 11 = 5 * 2 + 1
      • We are interested in the 1, since that is the remainder when you divide 11 by 5

Javascript Basics

Opertaor Precedence

  • Remember PEMDAS? (Parenthsis, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction)
    • Defines the mathematical order-of-operations

Javascript Basics

Escape Sequences

  • Used to give or take away meaning from special characters
  • \n: a new line (carriage return, like hitting enter)
  • \t: a tab
  • \\: a literal backslash (since \ normally has special meaning - to escape other characters!)
  • \": double quote - for nested double quotes
    • Need to escape so we don't accidentally end the string!
  • \': single quote - for nested single quotes
    • Need to escape so we don't accidentally end the string!

Javascript Basics


Example: alert.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 6.3: welcome3.html -->
        <!-- Alert dialog displaying multiple lines. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Printing Multiple Lines in a Dialog Box</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            // Your book does the following <!-- // --> pattern inside the script tag all the time
            // DONT DO THIS! It's for ANCIENT browsers that do not support scripts (and interprets them as an HTML comment)
            // Seriously, I cannot stress how pointless this practice is, and you should not be doing it
            window.alert("Welcome to\nJavaScript\nProgramming!");
            // -->

          <p>Click Refresh (or Reload) to run this script again.</p>


Javascript Basics


  • dynamic_welcome.html
    • Again using window with prompt() method to ask for user input
    • Creates a dynamic welcome page
    • We couldn't do with this HTML and CSS

Example: dynamic_welcome.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 6.5: welcome4.html -->
        <!-- Prompt box used on a welcome screen -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Using Prompt and Alert Boxes</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var name;
            // string entered by the user
            // read the name from the prompt box as a string
            name = window.prompt("Please enter your name");
            document.writeln("<h1>Hello " + name + ", welcome to JavaScript programming!</h1>");



Javascript Basics


  • addition.html
    • parseInt() function converts a string to an integer

Example: addition.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 6.7: addition.html -->
        <!-- Addition script. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>An Addition Program</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var firstNumber; // first string entered by user
            var secondNumber; // second string entered by user
            var number1; // first number to add
            var number2; // second number to add
            var sum; // sum of number1 and number2
            // read in first number from user as a string
            firstNumber = window.prompt("Enter first integer");
            // read in second number from user as a string
            secondNumber = window.prompt("Enter second integer");
            // convert numbers from strings to integers
            number1 = parseInt(firstNumber);
            number2 = parseInt(secondNumber);
            sum = number1 + number2; // add the numbers
        //    sum = firstNumber + secondNumber; // add the numbers (as strings)
            // display the results
            document.writeln("<h1>The sum is " + sum + "</h1>");
            // -->



Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • We need a way to encode logic - a way to direct the program based on the program's state
  • Primary method of controlling a programs flow
  • Basic idea: "if a condition is true, execute some code"
    • We can stop at the if or say "if a condition is true, execute some code, otherwise, execute this other code"

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Example:

    // basic conditional
            if(5 <= 10){
              document.writeln("5 is indeed less than 10");
            } else {
              document.writeln("5 is somehow not less than 10...");

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • But we can do even more by nesting if's!
    • Also allows us to check for multiple potential conditions at once (e.g. if(cond)...else if(cond)...else...)

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Example: where time is the hour of the day (0-23)

                // order of the conditionals matters; what happens if we flip them?
            if (time < 10) {
              greeting = "Good morning";
            } else if (time < 20) {
              greeting = "Good day";
            } else {
              greeting = "Good evening";

Javascript Basics

Equality and Relational Operators

Javascript relational operators

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Difference between === and ==
    • === is a more strict comparison operator
    • E.g. "75" == 75 yields true but "75" === 75 yields false

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Compound conditionals:
    • Use logical operations AND, OR, and NOT
    • AND is represented with &&
    • OR is represented with ||
    • NOT is represented with !
    • Combining conditions allows us to use much more powerful program flow

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Compound conditionals will evaluate left to right
    • If the program can determine the overall value of the compound conditional, it will stop evaluting the rest of the conditional
    • E.g. Suppose cond_a is true and cond_b is false.
      • if(cond_a || cond_b) doens't need to look at the value of cond_b, the overall condition is determined by cond_a.
      • Similarly, if(cond_b && cond_a) doesn't need to look at the value of cond_a, since cond_b already determined the overall state of the compound conditional.
      • Remember: left to right!
    • Key takeaway order matters!

Javascript Basics

Operators and Conditionals

  • Example: (pay close attention to evaluation order)

                // be careful analyzing this conditional
            if(cond_a && cond_b){
              // only executes if cond_a AND cond_b are true
            } else if(cond_a || cond_d){
              // only executes if 1) (cond_a is true AND cond_b is false (think about why)) OR cond_d is true
            } else if(!cond_d){
              // only executes if cond_a is false AND cond_d is false
            } else {
              // will this ever execute?
              // otherwise


Example: date_print.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Display Date</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var today = new Date();
            var day = today.getDay();
            var daylist = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday ", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];

            document.writeln("Today is: " + daylist[day] + "<br>");

            var hour = today.getHours();
            var minute = today.getMinutes();
            var second = today.getSeconds();
            console.log("hour: " + hour);
            var postpand = "";
            if (hour >= 12) {
              postpand = "PM";
            } else {
              postpand = "AM";
            // special case for midnight
            if (hour == 0){
              hour == 12;
            // convert military time to AM/PM hours
            if (hour > 12) {
              hour = hour - 12;
            if (minute < 10) {
              minute = "0" + minute;
            if (second < 10) {
              second = "0" + second;
            document.writeln("Current time is: " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + postpand);




  • Write a program that determines if the inputted year is a leap year:
    • Every year that is divisible by 4, except for years divisible by 100, except for years that are divisible by 400
  • First step: come up with an algorithm to check

Example: leap_year_checker.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Leap Year Checker</title>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var year, leapYear = false,
              leapYearText = "";
            year = parseInt(window.prompt("Input a year: "));
            if (year % 100 === 0) {
              if (year % 400 === 0) {
                leapYear = true;
            } else if (year % 4 === 0) {
              leapYear = true;
            if (!leapYear) {
              leapYearText = " not";
            document.writeln("<h2>" + year + " is" + leapYearText + " a leap year</h2>");



Developer Tools

Javascript Functions

  • Functions enable reuseable code

  • Sum example:

    // function declaration
            function sum1(a, b){
              // do other amazing javascript things here
              return a + b;
  • We can then call sum(10, 5) which would return 15

Javascript Functions

  • Assigning functions to variables

  • Sum example:

                // anonymous function assigned to variable
            var sum2 = function(a,b){
              return a + b;
  • We can then call sum2(10, 5) which would return 15

Javascript Functions


  • The only thing you need to remember is that functions of the form of sum1 are "hoisted" to the top of your program, meaning they can be used before they are declared