Chapter 6: Javascript: Debugging

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds

Developer Tools

  • No program is perfect at first
  • We need a way to examine program state as the program is running
    • This will enable us to understand and fix problems in our code
  • Debugging will help fix any error, but it's particularly good for identifying edge cases you may have not considered when writing your program
    • Common edge cases: empty string "", zero 0, negative numbers, etc

Developer Tools

  • The debugger is present in any modern browser and has two main elements for javascript: console and debugger
  • Since we are editing the program as it executes, we need to remember where we are in execution
    • Variables may not exist yet
  • How to write information to the console to inspect state:
    • Use a console.log() statement in your javascript
    • The value/text arguments will be printed to the Console section of the Developer Tools


  • Setting a breakpoint
    • Breakpoints say "when you hit this line of code, pause the program for me"
    • They allow you to inspect variable/program state during execution
    • Enable a breakpoint by clicking the line number
    • Important semantic note: The line of the breakpoint has not executed yet. It is about to execute
      • E.g. if we set a breakpoint on line 9, line 9 hasn't executed when the breakpoint triggers (line 8 has, however)
      • Keep this in mind!


  • Stepping through a program
    • Once we are at a breakpoint we have multiple options to control the program:
      • Step Over: step over the current line of code. This means if we are at a function call, do not move the debugger into the function. Instead, the function will execute, and the program will pause after function completes
      • Step Into: If the program is about to call a function, move the debugger into that function and pause execution
      • Step Out: Finish the current function call and pause execution at the calling function
      • Continue: Continue the program's execution; basically unpauses the program

Console Execution

  • We can also call functions or inspect variables while paused using the console
    • Move to the console, and type a javascript statement to execute
      • Can also just type variable names to get their value
    • If the javascript statement we called doesn't have a return value (e.g. statement doesn't yield a value), then the console will report undefined.


  • Each browser has a slightly different interface, but the developer tools work the same way for all
  • Let’s examine the developer tools within Chrome, but this will mostly work the same for every browser
  • We’ll use leap_year_checker.html for the example

Opening Developer Tools

  • First, open the HTML file you wish to debug. Here, we’ll open leap_year_checker.html in chrome
  • Open the Developer Tools and go to the “Sources” tab:

Opening Developer Tools

Launch of dev tools

Opening a file

  • Next, we’ll press cmd+p (or ctrl+p) to open a file
  • If your .html file does not appear, refresh the page and try again:

Opening a file

Loading HTML

Opening a file

  • Now, we should see our file loaded
  • You will need to enter into the prompt to see the file in the area below:

Opening a file

Loading HTML

Setting a breakpoint

  • Next, we’ll set a breakpoint on line 10 by clicking on the line (the green marker indicates a breakpoint):

Setting a breakpoint

Setting a breakpoint

Pausing at a breakpoint

  • Refresh the page. Now the page should be paused, before the prompt appears
  • Note that since we paused at line 10, line 10 is about to execute, but has not executed:

Pausing at a breakpoint

Pausing at a breakpoint

Stepping over

  • Next, hit the Step Over icon (above the yellow “Debugger paused”; arrow hopping over a dot)
  • The prompt will appear. Enter 99 and hit OK. We should now be paused at the next line:

Stepping over

Stepping over

Checking variables

  • Click the arrow next to Global under Scope on the rightside panel.
  • Scroll down until you see the variable “year”
  • Notice this variable has the value 99, which is what we inputted into the prompt:
  • We can check and verify variables as our program runs, so we can spot incorrect results as we execute

Checking variables

Stepping over

Leap year example

  • Continue to Step Over or press Continue (play button) until your program finishes.
  • For this example, I would recommend inputting different types of leap years (2000, 1996, 1975, etc) to see how the control flow of your program changes with different inputs.

Additional resources