Chapter 7: Javascript: Control Statements

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds

Background and Terminology


  • What is an algorithm?
    • A procedure for solving a problem. Consists of:
      1. The actions to be executed
      2. The order in which the actions are to be executed
    • Notice: this definition has nothing to do with a programming language, program statements, etc.
      • We are abstracting away code into problem solving

Background and Terminology


  • A way to express the essence of an algorithm without using a programming language
  • Informally, it is a way to express what and how the algorithm does something, but doesn't specify syntax
  • Why is this useful?
    • Syntax is cumbersome, many trivial details of the code do not correspond to the overarching problem the algorithm solves

Background and Terminology


  • Example: Leap year
// leap year pseudocode
        if year is divisible by 400 then
        else if year is divisible by 100 then
        else if year is divisible by 4 then
  • This is in between code and English!
  • This can be directly converted to code, regardless of programming language used

Background and Terminology


  • There are multiple ways of writing the same program, and we can write multiple versions of pseudocode
  • Example: Compound conditional leap year:
leapYear = false
        if year % 400 == 0
          leapYear = true
        else if year % 100 != 0 and year % 4 == 0
          leapYear = true
  • Notice we are just describing the logic behind the program without consideration of syntax

Background and Terminology


  • Another example of the same logic encoded in different pseudocode:
leapYear = false
        if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 100 != 0 and year % 4 == 0)
          leapYear = true

Control Statements

  • Prior to the if...else statement, our programs executed sequentially
    • Programs executed from top to bottom
  • if...else introduced branching, or a conditional jump, meaning the program would "choose a fork in the road" based on some boolean evaluation
    • Branching enables more powerful programs, since the state of particular variables can vary with each execution
    • if...else gave us control over what program statements to executes for cases we cared about

Control Statements

  • History lesson: the goto statement
    • Instructed a program to jump to a particular line in the program
    • Think of a function: "goto the starting line of the called function" and terminates with a "goto to the next line of the calling function"
    • This is a largely deprecated programming practice
    • Enabled a "spaghetti programming" where a program was like a whole bunch of spaghetti laid out, with each piece of spaghetti representing a goto statement

Control Statements

  • Now, imperative languages (Javascript, C, C++, Java, Python, ...) use structed programming that consists of three control structures
    1. sequence structure - execute the program linearly, one right after another
    2. selection structure - select or ignore a program statement (if...else)
    3. repetition structure - repeat the program statement(s) a certain number of times (while, do...while, for,

Control Statements

  • We can model the control structure of a program with graphical models that show the control flow of the program
    • A flowchart of the possible program executions
    • Useful for modeling sub components of a program, but infeasible to model an entire program's execution

Control Statements

Javascript Keywords

Javascript keywords

Control Statements

  • if statement
    • Already covered
    • Important new terminology in terms of control flow:
      • if is a single-selection statement. It selects or ignores a single action (program statement(s))
      • We can think of an if statement as having a single entry point and single exit point

Control Statements

  • if...else statement
    • Already covered
    • if...else is a double-selection statement
      • Selects among two actions

Control Statements

  • Ternary Operator (Conditional Operator)

  • We can shorthand the if else statement with a ternary operator of the following form:

                cond ? true_action : false_action
  • Example:

                document.writeln( student_grade >= 60 ? "Passed" : "Failed" ); // immediately using the result
            var courseResult = student_grade >= 60 ? "Passed" : "Failed"; // assignment to the result

Control Statements

Ternary Operator (Conditional Operator)

  • Differences with if...else
    • Ternary operator returns a value
    • This is how the above two examples work (collapse/evaluate the ternary to see...)
      • E.g. if student_grade was 50, this the same as calling document.writeln("Failed"); or assigning pass_fail = "Failed";

Dangling else's

  • We are permitted to write nested if...else statements
  • We also don't have to include the curly braces {}, which start a block statement
    • Block statements are groupings of program statements
    • You can think of them like compound statements, in the same sense of compound conditionals

Dangling else's

Variable Scope

  • Example block statement:

                // javascript blocks and scope
            var a1 = 3;
              var a2 = 5;
            console.log(a1 + a2);
  • This behavior is different from C/C++!

    • Block statements do not introduce scope

Dangling else's

Variable Scope

  • Scope is the "lifetime of a variable"
    • When a variable/function goes out of scope, it is not valid to use that variable or function again
    • In the example above, an equivalent C/C++ code segement would fail to compile because a2 would be out of scope
    • The scope of a2 would be from its declaration to its closing curly brace
  • Back to why this matters for if...else...

Dangling else's

  • If we don't include the curly braces, we have an implicit block statement
    • But what problems might we encounter with nested if...else's?

Dangling else's

  • Consider the following possibilities (hint: the indentation does not affect the semantic meaning)

    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 )
              if ( y > 5 )
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
                document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );
    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 )
              if ( y > 5 )
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );

Dangling else's

  • The first indentation reflects the semantics. Why?

    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 )
              if ( y > 5 )
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
                document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );
    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 )
              if ( y > 5 )
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );

Dangling else's

  • If there is no included block statements, a single statement is grouped to the if
    • if...else is considered a single conditional statement
    • This is part of JavaScript syntax, and is very common across programming languages
  • What's the solution?
    • Using block statements fixes this problem because it enforces which if the else belongs to

Dangling else's

  • Fix:

    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 ){
              if ( y > 5 )
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
            } else
              document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );
  • I (personally) recommend always wrapping conditionals, loops, etc. with block statements:

    // dangling else's
            if ( x > 5 ) {
              if ( y > 5 ){
                document.writeln( "<p>x and y are &gt; 5</p>" );
            } else {
              document.writeln( "<p>x is &lt;= 5</p>" );

Dangling else's

  • Consider another error-prone situation:

    // dangling else's
            if ( grade >= 60 )
              document.writeln( "<p>Passed</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>Failed</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>You must take this course again.</p>" );
  • Under what circumstances will "You must take this course again" be printed to the user?

Dangling else's

// dangling else's
        if ( grade >= 60 )
          document.writeln( "<p>Passed</p>" );
          document.writeln( "<p>Failed</p>" );
          document.writeln( "<p>You must take this course again.</p>" );
  • The Javascript interpreter does not read indentation for semantics

  • The last line is not associated with the else

  • Semantic version:

    // dangling else's
            if ( grade >= 60 )
              document.writeln( "<p>Passed</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>Failed</p>" );
            document.writeln( "<p>You must take this course again.</p>" );

Dangling else's

  • Fix:

    // dangling else's
            if ( grade >= 60 )
              document.writeln( "<p>Passed</p>" );
            else {
              document.writeln( "<p>Failed</p>" );
              document.writeln( "<p>You must take this course again.</p>" );

Dangling else's

  • The main point: don't trust indentation!
    • Use explicit block statements (through curly braces)
      • You must use a block if you have more than a single statement under your conditional/loop
      • I do this all the time, no matter. I personally believe it offers a cleaner, more consistent code style that has better defined semantics

Dangling else's

  • Technical semantics (the actual logic here):
    • if and else will associate with the next statement
    • That statement can be a single program statement, or a compound statement
      • By making the next statement a block statement, we avoid the problem completely, even if we only execute one statement in that block statement.
        • Removes ambiguity in all cases while adding minimal amount of lines to your program (not that ever print source code anyway, so the length of your program doesn't really matter)


  • When debugging, we need to evaluate what is causing the problem in our program and how we can fix it
  • Three main types of errors:
    • Syntax errors - invalid code. The compiler/interpreter cannot succesfully execute the program. Will be detected by the computer. Basically means you violated the rules of the language. Example: forgetting to put a closing curly brace at the end of an if...else.
    • Semantic errors - valid code, but does not produce the results you expect. Example: using the wrong variable or operator somewhere in your code
    • Design errors - valid code and produces the results you expect. However, your understanding of the problem is wrong. Example: using the wrong forumla for something.

Errors - Semantic & Design

  • Semantic and design errors are very similar but have different implications for debugging
    • A semantic error means we understand the problem and need to adjust our code to reflect that understanding
    • A design error means we don't understand the problem and will never be able to produce a working program
  • A design error is a more significant problem than semantic error!

Fixing Errors

  • Ways to fix errors:
    • Syntax error: computer will usually give a hint as to what's causing the problem. Go inspect your code to see what might be wrong (generally easy, but can be incredibly frustrating)
    • Semantic error: assuming you have correct pseudocode, something in your program doesn't match the pseudocode. Compare the two and make sure the operations match up. This is when you can't believe you've wasted an hour verifying your pseudocode matches your code but you mistyped a + for a *.
    • Design error: Your pseudocode is wrong. Fix the pseudocode first. There's no specific advice to give since this error is always problem-specific. This is when you email your professor/supervisor/(maybe) customer for guidance.

Reptition (loops)

  • Repeat an action a number of times while a condition is true

  • Example shopping pseudocode:

                While there are more items on my shopping list
            Purchase next item and cross it off my list
  • When the condition becomes false, the loop exits

  • Critical part: the loop must do something that will eventually cause the condition to be false

    • Otherwise, we are stuck in an infinite loop!

Reptition (loops)

  • Example for shopping:

    // shopping list
            var shopping_list = ["pants", "grocercies", "car"];
            var i = 0;
            // purchase all items in the list
            while(i < shopping_list.length)
              purchase(shopping_list[i]); // purchase the item
              i = i + 1; // move to the next item
            function purchase(item){
              window.alert("Purchased " + item);

Reptition (loops)

  • If you think visually, consider the following code flowchart

    var product = 2;
            while ( product <= 1000 )
              product = 2 * product;

Reptition (loops)

  • If you think visually, consider the following code + flowchart

  • We can think about a loop as a repeated cycle in a flowchart until a condition becomes false


Class Average

  • Write pseudocode and javascript to average a class's scores on an exam.
  • The program should prompt the user for the number of students in the class, then ask for each score.
  • The scores should be printed nicely into a table with the average at the bottom.


Class Average

  • Pseudocode:

    Set total to zero
            Set grade counter to zero
            Input number of students
            Print table header
            While grade counter is less than number of students
              Input the next grade
              Add the grade into the total
              Add one to the grade counter
              Print grade to table
            Set the class average to the total divided by number of students
            Print the class average to table

Exercise: class_average.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Class Average Problem</title>
            td {
              border: 1px solid black;
            table {
              border-collapse: collapse;
            td {
              padding: 15px;
              text-align: left;
            var total; // sum of grades
            var gradeCounter; // number of grades entered
            var grade; // grade typed by user  
            var average; // average of all grades
            // initialization phase
            total = 0; // clear total
            gradeCounter = 0;
            var numStudents = window.prompt("Enter the number of students: ", "0");
            numStudents = parseInt(numStudents);

            if (numStudents == 0)
              document.writeln("The number of students is 0");
              //setup table
              document.writeln("<caption><strong>Exam scores</strong></caption>");
              document.writeln("<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>Student Number</th>\n<th>Grade</th>\n</thead>");

              // loop, processing phase
              while (gradeCounter < numStudents) {
                // prompt for input and read grade from user
                grade = window.prompt("Enter integer grade:", "0");
                // convert grade from a string to an integer
                grade = parseInt(grade);
                // add gradeValue to total
                total = total + grade;
                // add 1 to gradeCounter
                gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1;
                // add data to table
                document.writeln("<tr>\n<td>" + gradeCounter + "</td>\n<td>" + grade + "</td>\n</tr>");
              } // end while

              // calculate the average
              average = total / numStudents;
              // display average of exam grades
              document.writeln("<tfoot>\n<tr>\n<th>Average</th>\n<th>" + average + "</th>\n</tr>\n</tfoot>");



Exercise: class_average_functions.html

  • Next, let’s consider breaking our program into multiple parts.
  • We’ll have one function to collect the grades
  • Another function to display the grades
  • And another function to calculate the average

Exercise: class_average_functions.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Class Average Problem</title>
            td {
              border: 1px solid black;

            table {
              border-collapse: collapse;

            td {
              padding: 15px;
              text-align: left;
            function collectGrades() {
              var total; // sum of grades
              var gradeCounter; // number of grades entered
              var grade; // grade typed by user
              var average; // average of all grades
              var grades = []; // array to store grades
              // initialization phase
              total = 0; // clear total
              gradeCounter = 0;
              var numStudents = window.prompt("Enter the number of students: ", "0");
              numStudents = parseInt(numStudents);

              // loop, processing phase
              while (gradeCounter < numStudents) {
                // prompt for input and read grade from user
                grade = window.prompt("Enter integer grade:", "0");
                // convert grade from a string to an integer
                grade = parseInt(grade);
                // add gradeValue to total
                total = total + grade;
                // add 1 to gradeCounter
                gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1;
                // add grade to our grades array
              } // end while
              return grades;

            function displayGrades(grades, average){
              if (grades.length == 0)
                document.writeln("The number of students is 0");
              //setup table
              document.writeln("<caption><strong>Exam scores</strong></caption>");
              document.writeln("<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>Student Number</th>\n<th>Grade</th>\n</thead>");

              // loop, processing phase
              for(var i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
                // add data to table
                document.writeln("<tr>\n<td>" + i + "</td>\n<td>" + grades[i] + "</td>\n</tr>");
              } // end while

              // display average of exam grades
              document.writeln("<tfoot>\n<tr>\n<th>Average</th>\n<th>" + average + "</th>\n</tr>\n</tfoot>");

            function calculateAverage(array){
              // loop over grades to calculate average
              var average = 0;
              if (array.length > 0){
                for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
                  average += array[i];
                average /= array.length;
              return average;

            var grades = collectGrades();

            var average = calculateAverage(grades);

            displayGrades(grades, average);




Real Estate License

  • A college offers a course that prepares students for the state licensing exam for real estate brokers. Last year, 10 of the students who completed this course took the licensing exam. Naturally, the college wants to know how well its students performed.
  • You’ve been asked to write a script to summarize the results. You’ve been given a list of these 10 students. Next to each name is written a 1 if the student passed the exam and a 2 if the student failed.


Real Estate License

  • Your script should analyze the results of the exam as follows:
    1. Input each test result (i.e., a 1 or a 2). Display the message “Enter result” on the screen each time the script requests another test result.
    2. Count the number of test results of each type.
    3. Display a summary of the test results indicating the number of students who passed and the number of students who failed.
    4. If more than eight students passed the exam, print the message “Bonus to instructor!”


Real Estate License

  • Pseudocode:

    Initialize passes to zero
            Initialize failures to zero
            Initialize student to zero
            While student counter is less than ten
              Input the next exam result
              If the student passed
                Add one to passes
                Add one to failures
              Add one to student counter
            Print the number of passes
            Print the number of failures
            If more than eight students passed
            Print "Bonus to Instructor!";

Exercise: bonus.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 7.11: analysis.html -->
        <!-- Examination-results calculation. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Analysis of Examination Results</title>
            // initializing variables in declarations
            var passes = 0; // number of passes
            var failures = 0; // number of failures
            var student = 0; // student counter
            var result; // an exam result
            // process 10 students; counter-controlled loop
            while (student < 10) {
              result = window.prompt("Enter result (1=pass,2=fail)", "0");
              if (result == "1")
                passes = passes + 1;
                failures = failures + 1;
              student = student + 1;
            } // end while
            document.writeln("<h1>Examination Results</h1>");
            document.writeln("<p>Passed: " + passes +"; Failed: " + failures + "</p>");

            if (passes > 8)
              document.writeln("<p>Bonus to instructor!</p>");



Assignment Operators

  • Modifying a variable (changing its value) is extremely common. We have a shorthand way doing this:

    c = c + 3;
            c += 3;
  • More generally, any statement of the form:

                variable = variable operator expression;
  • Can always be written as:

                variable operator= expression; // operator could be +, -, *, /, %
            // for example
            c *= 4; // multiply by 4

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators

Increment and Decrement

Increment and decrement operators

Increment and Decrement

  • Key difference:
    • pre changes the value, then returns the new value
    • post returns the current value, then change the value
    • These operators break PEMDAS; they have a higher precedence than *, /, %

Increment and Decrement

  • Consider the following. Carefully consider the value of counter1 and counter2:

    var a = 10;
            var counter1 = 0;
            var counter2 = 0;
            var i = 0;
            while(counter1++ < a)
              //loop 1
              console.log("Loop 1, i: ", i);
            while(++counter2 < a)
              //loop 2
              console.log("Loop 2, i: ", i);

Increment and Decrement

  • What will be the final value of counter1 and counter2?

Increment and Decrement

  • What will be the final value of counter1 and counter2?
    • counter1 will be 11 (loop 1 runs 10 times, but counter1 is incremented an extra time (postincrement))
    • counter2 will be 10 (loop 2 runs 9 times)

Additional Repetition Structures

  • for
    • Functionally equivalent to while
        for(initialization_statement; loop_condition; loop_end_statement)
          // loop body
        // in practice
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          // loop body
        // which is the same as
        var i = 0;
        while (i < 10){

Additional Repetition Structures

  • do...while
    • Like a while loop, but guarantees that the loop will execute at least once
    • Condition is checked at the end of the loop
    var i = 0;
            do {
              // loop body
            while(i < 10);

Example: sortedList.html

<!doctype html>
        <!-- sortedList.html -->
        <!-- Input several names and display them in a sorted list. -->
            <meta charset="utf-8" />
            <title>Sorted List</title>
            <ol id="ol"></ol>
        var name; // name entry
        var people = []; // array of people
        // get names
        while (true) {
            name = prompt("Name: ", "Done");
            if (name === "Done") {
                break; // stop getting names
            people.push(name); // add name to end of array
        // sort the array
        // output the list
        document.getElementById("ol").innerHTML = "<li>" + people.join("</li><li>") + "</li>";