Chapter 3: Introduction to HTML Part 2

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds

HTML5 Forms

HTML5 introduces new input types for forms

  • These input types are self-validating
    • No need for javascript validation!
  • However, the input data should be verified server-side

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • Each is part of a <input type="type"> tag
  • color: allows user to input a RGB, many browsers have color picker.
    • Input must be a hexadecimal value (color code)
  • date: calendar date input, many browsers have a calendar-style picker

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • datetime: date and time input
    • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm+ff in UTC (English time)
  • datetime-local: date and time input
    • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm+ff

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • email: email input

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • month: month input
    • yyyy-mm
  • number: any number input
    • min and max attributes set the min and max possible valid values

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • range: range slider between particular values - no validation required
    • min and max attributes set the min and max possible values
    • all values are valid

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • search: search field, behaves like a text input
  • tel: telephone number input, HTML5 does not validate this input!

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form input types

  • week:input a specific week (nn is a week number, between 01 and 53
    • yyyy-Wnn
  • If a browser does not support the specified input type, the type will be treated as "text".
    • Means you must always validate server-side!

Example: new_forms.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>New Forms in HTML5</title>

          <h3>Demo of the new HTML5 form input types</h3>
          <form method="post" action="">
                <input type="color" />
                <input type="date" />
                <input type="datetime" />
                <input type="datetime-local" />
              <label for="email">email:
                <input type="email" id="email" />
                <input type="month" />
                <input type="number" min="-50" max="100" />
                <input type="range" min="5" max="10" value="7"/>
                <input type="search" />
                <input type="tel" />
                <input type="time" />
                <input type="url" />
                <input type="week" />
            <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
            <input type="reset" value="Reset"/>



Input Focusing

Input tabindex attribute

  • tabindex attribute enables controlling the order of input focus on TAB
  • Ordering starts at 1

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • autofocus: applied to input tag, automatically gives focus to this element (e.g. user can type immediately)
    • Can only be used on one input element per document

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • formnovalidate: applied to input tag, allows a form to bypass validation
    • Must be applied to an input type
    • Means you must validate server side!!
  • novalidate: applied to the form tag, allows a form to bypass validation
    • Means you must validate server side!!

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • placeholder: applied to input tag, temporary text in an input field
    • Typically either the format of the input, or an example
    • Only applies to the following input types:
      • text, search, url, tel, email

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • required: applied to input tag, requires the user to input the form element
    • Form cannot be submitted until they do
    • this is overridden by formnovalidate or novalidate

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • pattern: applied to input tag, requires the input match the specified regular expression

Regular Expressions

A regular what?

  • What's a regular expression (regex)?
    • A pattern matching tool
    • Text is described through a pattern, rather than a full description outlining every character

Regular Expressions

Telephone pattern explained

  • Pattern:

                \(\d{3}\) +\d{3}-\d{4}
  • Prelimnary note: \ in regex is similar to & in HTML

    • / escapes the special character
      • Escaping means stripping it of its special meaning

Regular Expressions

Telephone pattern explained

  • Pattern:

                \(\d{3}\) +\d{3}-\d{4}
  • ( has a special meaning in regex, namely to start saving the matched pattern to a group (saving a section of the pattern for later use)

  • ) marks the end of the saved group

  • You can then reference the group later with \# where # is the group number used in the expression you wish to reference

    • E.g. to reference the first saved group, use \1
  • Because of this special meaning, we have to escape it

Regular Expressions

Telephone pattern explained

  • Pattern:

                \(\d{3}\) +\d{3}-\d{4}
  • \d says we want to look for a digit ([0-9])

    • In this case, the escape gives d a special meaning - namely a digit
  • {3} says we want to look for the previous pattern 3 times (3 digits)

Regular Expressions

Telephone pattern explained

  • Pattern:

                \(\d{3}\) +\d{3}-\d{4}
  • "" is a literal space to look for

    • + means match the previous pattern 1 or more times
  • Then, we look for 3 more digits, followed by a - then 4 more digits

HTML5 Forms

New HTML5 form attributes

  • autocomplete: added to form or input tag, allows user to use previously submitted information when returning to the same form
    • You can turn autocomplete on or off for specific elements, overriding a value already set
    • Allows you to protect sensitive information from being autocomplete candidates
      • E.g. password, credit card info, etc.

datalist element

  • Provides input options for a text form input
  • As the user starts typing, the list will narrow
    • How the list narrows depends on the browser
  • The datalist must be connected to an input through the id attribute
    • This is the glue between the list and the corresponding form input
    • Also means one list can be used on multiple form inputs

Example: adv_new_forms.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>New Forms in HTML5</title>

          <h3>Demo of the new HTML5 form input types</h3>
          <form method="post" action="">
                <input type="color"/>
                <input type="date" />
                <input type="email" placeholder="" autofocus/>
                <input type="number" min="-50" max="100" />
                <input type="range" min="5" max="10" value="7"/>
                <input type="tel" pattern = "\(\d{3}\) +\d{3}-\d{4}" placeholder="(###) ###-####" />
              <input type="tel" placeholder="telephone">
                <input type="url" required />
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
            <input type="reset" value="Reset" />

          <h3>Form without validation through form submit input type (formnovalidate)</h3>

          <form action="">
                <input type="number" autofocus />
                <input type="url" required />
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" formnovalidate />
            <input type="reset" value="Reset" />

          <h3>Form without validation through form tag (novalidate)</h3>

          <form action="" novalidate autocomplete="on">
                <input type="number" id="num" autofocus />
                <input type="url" id="url" required />
              <!-- for connects to input with id="pt" for autofocus when parent/child relationship does not exist-->
              <label for="pt">
                plain text:
              <input type="text" id="pt" required autocomplete="off"/>
              <label for="month">Month:
                <input type="text" id="month" list="months"/>
                <datalist id="months">
                  <option value = "January">
                  <option value = "February">
                  <option value = "March">
                  <option value = "April">
                  <option value = "May">
                  <option value = "June">
                  <option value = "July">
                  <option value = "August">
                  <option value = "September">
                  <option value = "October">
                  <option value = "November">
                  <option value = "December">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
            <input type="reset" value="Reset" />


Example: fig3_17.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 3.17: autocomplete.html -->
        <!-- New HTML5 form autocomplete attribute and datalist element. -->

            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>New HTML5 autocomplete Attribute and datalist Element</title>

            <h1>Autocomplete and Datalist Demo</h1>
            <p>This form demonstrates the new HTML5 autocomplete attribute and the datalist element.
            <!-- turn autocomplete on -->
            <form method="post" autocomplete="on">
                    <label>First Name:
                        <input type="text" id="firstName" placeholder="First name" /> (First name)
                    <label for="lastName">Last Name:
                    <input type="text" id="lastName" placeholder="Last name" /> (Last name)
                        <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="" /> (
                    <label for="txtList">Birth Month:
                        <input type="text" id="txtList" placeholder="Select a month" list="months" />
                        <datalist id="months">
                            <option value="January">
                            <option value="February">
                            <option value="March">
                            <option value="April">
                            <option value="May">
                            <option value="June">
                            <option value="July">
                            <option value="August">
                            <option value="September">
                            <option value="October">
                            <option value="November">
                            <option value="December">
                    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
                    <input type="reset" value="Clear" />


Page structure elements

  • header: used to specify the header of the webpage, but can actually be included multiple times
    • Used to give introductory content or navigational links
  • footer: used to specify the footer of the webpage, but can actually be included multiple times
    • Used to give authorship information, copyright, contact, sitemap, etc

Page structure elements

  • time: used to identify a date, a time, or both
  • nav: used to group navigational links
    • Do not place all links in the nav element, only the navigational ones (could be in the header or the footer typically)
  • figure: describes a figure, used to group a figcaption and the img tag
  • figcaption: provides a caption for the corresponding figure

Page structure elements

  • article: specifies independent, self-contained content
    • Can be nested
    • Intended for forum posts, blog posts, news story, commentary, etc
  • details: provides information about a specific topic
  • summary: displays summary of content inside of a details tag
    • The details of the summary are contained in a detailstag

Page structure elements

  • section: provides a section-based structure to a page; similar to
  • article, but more general
    • Can be nested
    • Used frequently with id attributes for internal linking
    • Typically also comes with a header of some kind
  • aside: describes content related to something, but not critical
    • Could be background history or related information

Page structure elements

  • meter: shows an amount
    • Similar to a range (but is not input), or a loading bar (but does not animate)
  • mark:highlight enclosed text
  • wbr: controls when to break a word when text wrapping to the next line
    • Would this require a closing tag?

Example: new_elements.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 3.18: sectionelements.html -->
        <!-- New HTML5 section elements. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>New HTML5 Section Elements</title>

            <!-- header element creates a header for the page -->
            <img src="deitellogo.jpeg" alt="Deitel logo" />
            <h1>Welcome to the Deitel Buzz Online</h1>
            <!-- time element inserts a date and/or time -->

          <section id = "1">
          <!-- Begin section 1 -->
              <!-- nav element groups navigation links -->
              <h2> Recent Publications</h2>
                  <a href = "">Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 5/e</a>
                  <a href = "">Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach</a>
                  <a href = "">iPhone for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach</a>
                  <a href = "">Java How to Program, 9/e</a>
                  <a href = "">C++ How to Program, 8/e</a>
                <li><a href = "">Visual C# 2010 How to Program, 4/e</a>
                  <a href = "">Visual Basic 2010 How to Program</a>

          <section id = "2">
          <!-- Begin section 2 -->
            <h2>How to Program Series Books</h2>
            <h3><em>Java How to Program, 9/e</em></h3>

            <!-- figure element describes the image -->
              <img src = "jhtp.jpg" alt = "Java How to Program, 9/e" />
              <!-- figurecaption element inserts a figure caption -->
                <em>Java How to Program, 9/e</em>cover.
            <!--article element represents content from another source -->

                    <a href = "">Java How to program, 9/e: </a>
              <p>Features include:
                  <!-- mark element highlights text -->
                  <li>Rich coverage of fundamentals, including <mark>two chapters on control statements.</mark></li>
                  <li>Focus on <mark>real-world examples.</mark></li>
                  <li><mark>Making a Difference exercises set.</mark></li>
                  <li>Early introduction to classes, objects, methods and strings.</li>
                  <li>Integrated exception handling.</li>
                  <li>Files, streams and object serialization.</li>
                  <li>Optional modular sections on language and library features of the new Java SE 7.</li>
                  <li>Other topics include: Recursion, searching, sorting, generic collections, generics, data structures, applets, multimedia, multithreading, databases/JDBC&trade;, web-app development, web services and an optional ATM Object-Oriented Design case study.</li>
                <!-- summary element represents a summary for the -->
                <!-- content of the details element -->
                  <summary>Recent Edition Testimonials</summary>
                    <li>"Updated to reflect the state of the art in Java technologies; its deep and crystal clear explanations make it indispensable. The social-consciousness [Making a Difference] exercises are something really new and refreshing." <strong>&mdash;Jos&eacute; Antonio Gonz&aacute;lez Seco, Parliament of Andalusia</strong></li>
                    <li>"Gives new programmers the benefit of the wisdom derived from many years of software development experience."<strong> &mdash;Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University</strong></li>
                    <li>"Introduces good design practices and methodologies right from the beginning. An excellent starting point for developing high-quality robust Java applications." <strong>&mdash;Simon Ritter, Oracle Corporation</strong></li>
                    <li>"An easy-to-read conversational style. Clear code examples propel readers to become proficient in Java." <strong>&mdash;Patty Kraft, San Diego State University</strong></li>
                    <li>"A great textbook with a myriad of examples from various application domains&mdash; excellent for a typical CS1 or CS2 course." <strong>&mdash;William E. Duncan, Louisiana State University</strong></li>
            <!-- aside element represents content in a sidebar that's -->
            <!-- related to the content around the element -->
              The aside element is not formatted by the browsers.
            <h2>Deitel Developer Series Books</h2>
            <h3><em>Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach</em></h3>
            Click <a href = "">here</a> for more information or to order this book.
            <h2>LiveLessons Videos</h2>
            <h3><em>C# 2010 Fundamentals LiveLessons</em></h3>
            Click <a href = "">here</a> for more information about our LiveLessons videos.

          <section id = "3"> <!-- Begin section 3 -->
            <h2>Results from our Facebook Survey</h2>
            <p>If you were a nonprogrammer about to learn Java for the first time, would you prefer a course that taught Java in the context of Android app development? Here are the results from our survey:</p>
            <!-- meter element represents a scale within a range -->
            0 <meter min = "0" max = "54" value = "14"></meter> 54
            <p>Of the 54 responders, 14 (green) would prefer to learn Java in the context of An<wbr>droid app development.</p>
          <!-- footer element represents a footer to a section or page, -->
          <!-- usually containing information such as author name, -->
          <!-- copyright, etc. -->
          <!-- wbr element indicates the appropriate place to break a -->
          <!-- word when the text wraps -->
            <h6>&copy; 1992-2012 by Deitel &amp; Associ<wbr>ates, Inc. All Rights Reserved.<h6>
            <!-- address element represents contact information for a -->
            <!-- document or the nearest body element or article -->
              Contact us at <a href = ""></a>


Tools in a Toolbox

Remember, these are general guidelines. HTML is a like a toolbox; you are free to use them as you see fit.

A hammer is better at nailing than a saw. In general, it's best to stick to the convention.

Advanced HTML5


  • controls attribute (no arguments/assignment) allows you to add video control buttons, such as play, pause, volume
  • heightand width can be added to control the size of the video
  • mutedwill start the video initially muted
  • loop will determine whether or not the video should loop after finishing

Advanced HTML5


  • autoplaywill start the video as soon as it loads
  • The video tag is dissimilar from the img tag
    • You can use the video tag as a void tag (like an img tag) or you can specify multiple source tags
    • source tags specify a video file and a type
      • A video tag can have multiple source tags; the browser will play the first type supported.
      • If no types are supported, the text in between the video tag will be displayed.

Advanced HTML5


  • Extremely similar to playing video
    • Only difference with video is no height and width attribute
    • controls, autoplay, loop, muted are all the same
    • Must specify an audio file (like MP3) instead of video

Example: audio.html

<h3>Audio with single source</h3>
        <audio src="track.mp3" width="320" height="240" controls>

        <h3>Audio with multiple sources</h3>
        <audio width="320" height="240" controls>
            <source src="track.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
            <source src="track.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
            Your browser does not support the audio tag.

Advanced HTML5


  • canvas: allows you to draw 2D and 3D drawings on the screen
    • This requires javascript, so just hold on, we will go over this later!