CS 80: Internet Programming
Instructor: Mark Edmonds
<?php /* PHP code
*/ ?>
must start with a letter or
can only contain
, 0-9
, and
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.1: first.php -->
<!-- Simple PHP program. -->
$name = "Paul"; // declaration and initialization
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Simple PHP document</title>
<!-- print variable name's value -->
<h1><?php print( "Welcome to PHP, $name!" ); ?></h1>
and sets it equal to Paul<h1>
tag before the file is served to the
printed, not the string "$name"data.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.3: data.php -->
<!-- Data type conversion. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Data type conversion</title>
<style type = "text/css">
margin: 0;
margin-top: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 10px;
// declare a string, double and integer
$testString = "3.5 seconds";
$testDouble = 79.2;
$testInteger = 12;
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<!-- print each variable's value and type -->
<p class = "head">Original values:</p>
print( "<p>$testString is a(n) " . gettype( $testString ) . "</p>" );
print( "<p>$testDouble is a(n) " . gettype( $testDouble ) . "</p>" );
print( "<p>$testInteger is a(n) " . gettype( $testInteger ) . "</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<p class = "head">Converting to other data types:</p>
// call function settype to convert variable
// testString to different data types
print( "<p>$testString " );
settype( $testString, "double" );
print( " as a double is $testString</p>" );
print( "<p>$testString " );
settype( $testString, "integer" );
print( " as an integer is $testString</p>" );
settype( $testString, "string" );
print( "<p class = 'space'>Converting back to a string results in $testString</p>" );
// use type casting to cast variables to a different type
$data = "98.6 degrees";
print( "<p class = 'space'>Before casting: $data is a " . gettype( $data ) . "</p>" );
print( "<p class = 'space'>Using type casting instead:</p>
<p>as a double: " . (double) $data . "</p>" .
"<p>as an integer: " . (integer) $data . "</p>");
print( "<p class = 'space'>After casting: $data is a " . gettype( $data ) . "</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
gets the type of the
changes the type of first
parameter to the second parametersettype
can result in data loss:
values may be truncated
DEFINE("NAME", value);
where you
want the valueelse
is elseif
(another keyword)operators.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.4: operators.php -->
<!-- Using arithmetic operators. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<style type = "text/css">
p { margin: 0; }
<title>Using arithmetic operators</title>
$a = 5;
print( "<p>The value of variable a is $a</p>" );
// define constant VALUE
define( "VALUE", 5 );
// add constant VALUE to variable $a
$a = $a + VALUE;
print( "<p>Variable a after adding constant VALUE is $a</p>" );
// multiply variable $a by 2
$a *= 2;
print( "<p>Multiplying variable a by 2 yields $a</p>" );
// test if variable $a is less than 50
if ( $a < 50 )
print( "<p>Variable a is less than 50</p>" );
// add 40 to variable $a
$a += 40;
print( "<p>Variable a after adding 40 is $a</p>" );
// test if variable $a is 50 or less
if ( $a < 51 )
print( "<p>Variable a is still 50 or less</p>" );
elseif ( $a < 101 )
// $a >= 51 and <= 100
print( "<p>Variable a is now between 50 and 100, inclusive</p>" );
else // $a > 100
print( "<p>Variable a is now greater than 100</p>" );
// print an uninitialized variable
print( "<p>Using a variable before initializing: $nothing</p>" ); // nothing evaluates to ""
// add constant VALUE to an uninitialized variable
$test = $num + VALUE;
// num evaluates to 0
print( "<p>An uninitialized variable plus constant VALUE yields $test</p>" );
// add a string to an integer
$str = "3 dollars";
$a += $str;
print( "<p>Adding a string to variable a yields $a</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
resets the internal pointer of the
array to the beginning of the array
returns the index of the element
pointed to by the internal pointernext
moves the internal pointer down
one element of the arrayforeach
is specifically for iterating
through arrays
divides the key/value (key is on
the left, value is on the rightarray.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.7: arrays.php -->
<!-- Array manipulation. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Array manipulation</title>
<style type = "text/css">
{ margin: 0; }
.head { margin-top: 10px; font-weight: bold; }
// create array first
print( "<p class = 'head'>Creating the first array</p>" );
$first[ 0 ] = "zero";
$first[ 1 ] = "one";
$first[ 2 ] = "two";
$first[] = "three";
// print each element's index and value
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $first ); ++$i )
print( "<p>Element $i is $first[$i]</p>" );
print( "<p class = 'head'>Creating the second array</p>" );
// call function array to create array second
$second = array( "zero", "one", "two", "three" );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $second ); ++$i )
print( "<p>Element $i is $second[$i]</p>" );
print( "<p class = 'head'>Creating the third array</p>" );
// assign values to entries using nonnumeric indices
$third[ "Amy" ] = 21;
$third[ "Bob" ] = 18;
$third[ "Carol" ] = 23;
// iterate through the array elements and print each
// element's name and value
for ( reset( $third ); $element = key( $third ); next( $third ) )
print( "<p>$element is $third[$element]</p>" );
print( "<p class = 'head'>Creating the fourth array</p>" );
// call function array to create array fourth using
// string indices
$fourth = array(
"January" => "first",
"February" => "second",
"March" => "third",
"April" => "fourth",
"May" => "fifth",
"June" => "sixth",
"July" => "seventh",
"August" => "eighth",
"September" => "ninth",
"October" => "tenth",
"November" => "eleventh",
"December" => "twelfth" );
// print each element's name and value
foreach ( $fourth as $element => $value )
print( "<p>$element is the $value month</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
compares two strings.
==, !=, <, <=, >,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.8: compare.php -->
<!-- Using the string-comparison operators. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>String Comparison</title>
<style type = "text/css">
p { margin: 0; }
// create array fruits
$fruits = array( "apple", "orange", "banana" );
// iterate through each array element
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $fruits ); ++$i )
// call function strcmp to compare the array element
// to string "banana"
if (strcmp( $fruits[ $i ], "banana" ) < 0) {
print( "<p>" . $fruits[ $i ] . " is less than banana " );
} elseif ( strcmp( $fruits[ $i ], "banana" ) > 0 ) {
print( "<p>" . $fruits[ $i ] . " is greater than banana ");
} else {
print( "<p>" . $fruits[ $i ] . " is equal to banana " );
// use relational operators to compare each element
// to string "apple"
if ( $fruits[ $i ] < "apple" )
print( "and less than apple!</p>" );
elseif ( $fruits[ $i ] > "apple" )
print( "and greater than apple!</p>" );
elseif ( $fruits[ $i ] == "apple" )
print( "and equal to apple!</p>" );
} // end for
?><!-- end PHP script -->
function to
search for a string with the specified pattern^
means beginning of line$
means end of line[]
denotes a bracket expression
are all characters a
through z*
means 'zero or more times'+
means 'one or more times'?
means 'zero or one times'{n}
means 'exactly n times'{m,n}
means 'between m and n
means 'n or more times'expression.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.9: expression.php -->
<!-- Regular expressions. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Regular expressions</title>
<style type = "text/css">
p { margin: 0; }
$search = "Now is the time";
print( "<p>Test string is: '$search'</p>" );
// call preg_match to search for pattern 'Now' in variable search
if (
preg_match( "/Now/", $search )
print( "<p>'Now' was found.</p>" );
// search for pattern 'Now' in the beginning of the string
if (
preg_match( "/^Now/", $search )
print( "<p>'Now' found at beginning of the line.</p>" );
// search for pattern 'Now' at the end of the string
if (
!preg_match( "/Now$/", $search )
print( "<p>'Now' was not found at the end of the line.</p>" );
// search for any word ending in 'ow'
if (
preg_match( "/\b([a-zA-Z]*ow)\b/i", $search, $match )
print( "<p>Word found ending in 'ow': " .
$match[ 1 ]
. "</p>" );
// search for any words beginning with 't'
print( "<p>Words beginning with 't' found: " );
while (
preg_match( "/\b(t[[:alpha:]]+)\b/", $search, $match )
$match[ 1 ]
. " " );
// remove the first occurrence of a word beginning
// with 't' to find other instances in the string
$search = preg_replace("/" . $match[ 1 ] . "/", "", $search);
} // end while
print( "</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
Superglobal Arrays
and $_POST
attribute), then the
information is available in the
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.13: form.html -->
<!-- HTML form for gathering user input. -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Sample Form</title>
<style type="text/css">
label {
width: 5em;
float: left;
<h1>Registration Form</h1>
<p>Please fill in all fields and click Register.</p>
<!-- post form data to form.php -->
<form method="post" action="form.php">
<h2>User Information</h2>
<!-- create four text boxes for user input -->
<label>First name:</label>
<input type="text" name="fname">
<label>Last name:</label>
<input type="text" name="lname">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="(555) 555-5555">
<p>Which book would you like information about?</p>
<!-- create drop-down list containing book names -->
<select name="book">
<option>Internet and WWW How to Program</option>
<option>C++ How to Program</option>
<option>Java How to Program</option>
<option>Visual Basic How to Program</option>
<h2>Operating System</h2>
<p>Which operating system do you use?</p>
<!-- create five radio buttons -->
<input type = "radio" name = "os" value = "Windows" checked>Windows
<input type = "radio" name = "os" value = "Mac OS X">Mac OS X
<input type = "radio" name = "os" value = "Linux">Linux
<input type = "radio" name = "os" value = "Other">Other
<!-- create a submit button -->
<input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Register">
HTTP method to send
data to form.php
input), we will send the inputs to
using the $_POST
method we'd see
values in the $_GET
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.14: form.php -->
<!-- Process information sent from form.html. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Form Validation</title>
<style type = "text/css">
{ margin: 0px; }
{ color: red }
p.head { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 10px; }
// determine whether phone number is valid and print
// an error message if not
// regex looks for the following pattern "(###) ###-####"
if (!preg_match( "/^\([0-9]{3}\) [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/", $_POST["phone"]))
print( "<p class = 'error'>Invalid phone number</p>
<p>A valid phone number must be in the form
(555) 555-5555</p><p>Click the Back button,
enter a valid phone number and resubmit.</p>
<p>Thank You.</p></body></html>" );
die(); // terminate script execution
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<!-- Access information from the submission using the $_POST superarray -->
Hi <?php print( $_POST["fname"] ); ?>. Thank you for completing the survey. You have been added to the
<?php print( $_POST["book"] ); ?>mailing list.
<p class = "head">
The following information has been saved in our database:
<p>Name: <?php print( $_POST["fname"] ); print( " " . $_POST["lname"] ); ?></p>
<p>Email: <?php print( $_POST["email"] ); ?></p>
<p>Phone: <?php print( $_POST["phone"] ); ?></p>
<p>OS: <?php print( $_POST["os"] ); ?></p>
<p class = "head">
This is only a sample form. You have not been added to a mailing list.
terminates the script, stops
processing the formdata.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.15: data.html -->
<!-- Form to query a MySQL database. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Sample Database Query</title>
<h1>Querying a MySQL database.</h1>
<form method = "post" action = "database.php">
<p>Select a field to display:
<!-- add a select box containing options -->
<!-- for SELECT query -->
<select name = "select">
<option selected>*</option>
<input type = "submit" value = "Send Query">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.16: database.php -->
<!-- Querying a database and displaying the results. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Search Results</title>
<style type = "text/css">
{ font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: lightyellow; }
table { background-color: lightblue;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px solid gray; }
{ padding: 5px; }
tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: white; }
$select = $_POST["select"]; // creates variable $select
// build SELECT query
$query = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM books";
// Connect to MySQL
if ( !( $database = mysqli_connect( "localhost", "iw3htp", "password" ) ) )
die( "Could not connect to database </body></html>" );
// open Products database
if ( !mysqli_select_db($database, "products") )
die( "Could not open products database </body></html>" );
// query Products database
if ( !( $result = mysqli_query($database, $query) ) )
print( "<p>Could not execute query!</p>" );
die( mysqli_error() . "</body></html>" );
} // end if
mysqli_close( $database );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<caption>Results of "SELECT <?php print( "$select" ) ?>
FROM books"</caption>
// fetch each record in result set
while (
$row = mysqli_fetch_row( $result )
// build table to display results
print( "<tr>" );
foreach ( $row as $key => $value )
print( "<td>$value</td>" );
print( "</tr>" );
} // end while
?><!-- end PHP script -->
Your search yielded <?php print( mysqli_num_rows( $result )) ?> results.
Please email comments to <a href = "mailto:deitel@deitel.com">Deitel and Associates, Inc.</a>
connects to the
opens the
executes a MySQL query
(what we learned about in chatper 18)mysqli_close
closes the databasemysqli_fetch_row
returns an associative
array containing the column of the current row from the
query result
is a unique column ID for
the querymysqli_fetch_assoc
returns an
associative array where the column names are the keys
storing the corresponding valuesmysqli_num_rows
stores the number of
rows in the query resultcookies.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.17: cookies.html -->
<!-- Gathering data to be written as a cookie. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Writing a cookie to the client computer</title>
<style type = "text/css">
label { width: 7em; float: left; }
<h2>Click Write Cookie to save your cookie data.</h2>
<form method = "post" action = "cookies.php">
<input type = "text" name = "name"><div>
<input type = "text" name = "height"></div>
<div><label>Favorite Color:</label>
<input type = "text" name = "color"></div>
<p><input type = "submit" value = "Write Cookie">
* (C) Copyright 1992-2012 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and *
* Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
* development, research, and testing of the theories and programs *
* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *
* no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these *
* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *
* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *
* consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the *
* furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. *
<!-- Fig. 19.18: cookies.php -->
<!-- Writing a cookie to the client. -->
define( "FIVE_DAYS", 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 ); // define constant
// write each form fields value to a cookie and set the
// cookies expiration date
setcookie( "name", $_POST["name"], time() + FIVE_DAYS );
setcookie( "height", $_POST["height"], time() + FIVE_DAYS );
setcookie( "color", $_POST["color"], time() + FIVE_DAYS );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Cookie Saved</title>
<style type = "text/css">
p { margin: 0px; }
<p>The cookie has been set with the following data:</p>
<!-- print each form field's value -->
<p>Name: <?php print( $_COOKIE["name"] ) ?></p>
<p>Height: <?php print( $_COOKIE["height"] ) ?></p>
<p>Favorite Color:
<span style = "color: <?php print( $_COOKIE["color"] ) ?> ">
<?php print( $_COOKIE["color"] ) ?></span></p>
<p>Click <a href = "readCookies.php">here</a>
to read the saved cookie.</p>
* (C) Copyright 1992-2012 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and *
* Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
* development, research, and testing of the theories and programs *
* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *
* no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these *
* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *
* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *
* consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the *
* furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. *
creates a cookie
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Fig. 19.19: readCookies.php -->
<!-- Displaying the cookies contents. -->
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Read Cookies</title>
<style type = "text/css">
p { margin: 0px; }
<p>The following data is saved in a cookie on your computer.</p>
// iterate through array $_COOKIE and print
// name and value of each cookie
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value )
print( "<p>$key: $value</p>" );
?><!-- end PHP script -->
* (C) Copyright 1992-2012 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and *
* Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
* development, research, and testing of the theories and programs *
* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *
* no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these *
* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *
* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *
* consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the *
* furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. *