Chapter 16: Ajax

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds

What is Ajax?

  • Asynchronous Javascript And XML
    • Misleading name! Originally developed for XML, but you can transfer plain text or JSON with it as well.

What is Ajax?

  • The idea: we load data as the user is viewing and interacting with the page; Javascript communicates with the server in the background to update the page.
  • The effect: web applications that behave much more similarly to desktop applications
  • The benefit: web applications don't have to reload a page to get new data. This can be incredibly simple data or complex data to enable drastic changes to the page

What is Ajax?

  • A side note about practicality:
    • We will learn about Ajax, but running Ajax requires a webserver to respond to requests. We will eventually cover webservers which will enable us to run our own basic Ajax examples

Ajax Basics

  • "Raw" Ajax uses Javascript directly to send asynchronous requests to the server, and updates the webpage using DOM
  • There are a lot of cross-browser, cross-operating system considerations you have to handle when using raw Ajax
    • Instead, jQuery, ASP.NET Ajax, etc can provide easy-to-use cross-platform support

Ajax basics

  • XMLHttpRequest - object that manages the interaction between the server and the webpage (without reloading)
    • Abbreviated XHR

Traditional Webpage

Traditional webpage

Ajax Webpage

Ajax webpage

Ajax Steps

  1. Client creates XHR object
  2. XHR sends a request to the server and waits for a response
    • These requests are made asynchronously, which means the user can keep interacting with the web page while the request finishes
  3. Many things can happen here, client could interact more with the webpage, create new XHR requests, etc
  4. Server replies to the request in step 2
  5. Client executes a callback function, which processes the data recieved in step 4 (could modify the DOM, etc). Commonly a partial page update

Ajax Basics

  • This process is asynchronous, so tracking the exact execution can be difficult. Lots of things could happen during step 3 above

Conceptual Example - Validating a form

  • We can accomplish a lot of this using the new HTML5 forms, but provides more generic form support
  • We can validate any type of form data (e.g. zip code, etc), asynchronously, as the user fills in the form.
  • Enables a more powerful form model, you see this all the time online!

Example - SwitchContent

  • The basic concept: when the user puts their mouse over a textbook cover, we load that textbook's corresponding information

Example: SwitchContent.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 16.5: SwitchContent.html -->
        <!-- Asynchronously display content without reloading the page. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <style type="text/css">
            .box {
              border: 1px solid black;
              padding: 10px
          <title>Switch Content Asynchronously</title>
            var asyncRequest; // variable to hold XMLHttpRequest object

            // set up event handlers
            function registerListeners() {
              var img;
              img = document.getElementById("cpphtp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
              img = document.getElementById("iw3htp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
              img = document.getElementById("jhtp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
              img = document.getElementById("vbhtp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
              img = document.getElementById("vcshtp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
              img = document.getElementById("javafp");
                function() {
              img.addEventListener("mouseout", clearContent);
            } // end function registerListeners

            // set up and send the asynchronous request.
            function getContent(url) {
              // attempt to create XMLHttpRequest object and make the request
              try {
                asyncRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create request object
                // register event handler
                  "readystatechange", stateChange);
      "GET", url, true); // prepare the request
                asyncRequest.send(null); // send the request
              } // end try
              catch (exception) {
                alert("Request failed.");
              } // end catch
            } // end function getContent

            // displays the response data on the page
            function stateChange() {
              if (asyncRequest.readyState == 4 && asyncRequest.status == 200) {
                document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML =
                  asyncRequest.responseText; // places text in contentArea
              } // end if
            } // end function stateChange

            // clear the content of the box
            function clearContent() {
              document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML = "";
            } // end function clearContent
            window.addEventListener("load", registerListeners);

          <h1>Mouse over a book for more information.</h1>
          <img id="cpphtp" alt="C++ How to Program book cover" src="cpphtp8.jpg">
          <img id="iw3htp" alt="Internet & WWW How to Program book cover" src="iw3htp5.jpg">
          <img id="jhtp" alt="Java How to Program book cover" src="jhtp9.jpg">
          <img id="vbhtp" alt="Visual Basic 2010 How to Program book cover" src="vb2010htp.jpg">
          <img id="vcshtp" alt="Visual C# 2010 How to Program book cover" src="vcsharp2010htp.jpg">
          <img id="javafp" alt="Java for Programmers book cover" src="javafp.jpg">
          <div class="box" id="contentArea"></div>


Example - SwitchContent

  • What's doing all the Ajax heavy lifting?
    • getContent and stateChange

Pelimaries: Exceptions

  • Exceptions indicate an error happened during data processes, but allow the program to continue running if the error is "handled"
  • We refer to "handling" an error as catching an exception
  • We refer to indicating an error occured as throwing an exception

Pelimaries: Exceptions

  • When we want to catch an exception, we acknowledge an error by happen by wrapping the relevant portion of code in a try...catch block
    • We put code that might cause the exception in the try portion
    • We put error-recovery code in the catch block
    • The try block will always execute (that's the code we are trying to run)
    • The catch block will only run if an exception is thrown

Pelimaries: Exceptions

  • Syntax

                // syntax for trying a block of code and catching an exception
            try {
              // code that might throw an exception
            } catch (exception) {
              // error recovery code


  1. Creates a raw Ajax object
  2. Registers the function stateChange as the callback functino for the readystatechange event


  1. Opens the url and specifies the HTTP request with the GET method, and true says to do this operation aynschronously
    • Basically creates the HTTP request
  2. Send the HTTP request


  • The conditional statement makes sure that the aync request is completed.
    • Question: when will the stateChange function get called? How many times will it get called?
  • Body of the state change processes the data from the request.

Running SwitchContent

  • If you want to run this example, download the files from the ch16 examples
  • But this isn't enough, we need an actual webserver to respond to the Ajax request
  • We can start a simple webserver (using any python console) with python -m http.server (Python 3) or python -m StimpleHTTPServer (Python 2) from the folder with our examples downloaded
  • Then navigate to http://localhost:8000/SwitchContent.html in your web browser

Ajax Events and Objects

Ajax events and objects

Ajax Methods

Ajax methods

Ajax, XML, and DOM

  • When XHR receives XML data, it is stored as an XML DOM obejct (tree)
  • This is best explained with the following example

Example: PullImagesOntoPage.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 16.8: PullImagesOntoPage.html -->
        <!-- Image catalog that uses 1Ajax to request XML data asynchronously. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title> Pulling Images onto the Page </title>
          <style type="text/css">
            li {
              display: inline-block;
              padding: 4px;
              width: 120px;
            img {
              border: 1px solid black
            var asyncRequest; // variable to hold XMLHttpRequest object

            // set up and send the asynchronous request to get the XML file
            function getImages(url) {
              // attempt to create XMLHttpRequest object and make the request
              try {
                asyncRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create request object
                // register event handler
                  "readystatechange", processResponse, false);
      "GET", url, true); // prepare the request
                asyncRequest.send(null); // send the request
              } // end try
              catch (exception) {
                alert('Request Failed');
              } // end catch
            } // end function getImages
            // parses the XML response; dynamically creates an undordered list and
            // populates it with the response data; displays the list on the page
            function processResponse() {
              // if request completed successfully and responseXML is non-null
              if (asyncRequest.readyState == 4 && asyncRequest.status == 200 &&
                asyncRequest.responseXML) {
                clearImages(); // prepare to display a new set of images

                // get the covers from the responseXML
                var covers = asyncRequest.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(
                // get base URL for the images
                var baseUrl = asyncRequest.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(
                // get the placeholder div element named covers
                var html_covers = document.getElementById("covers");
                // create an unordered list to display the images
                var imagesUL = document.createElement("ul");
                // place images in unordered list
                for (var i = 0; i < covers.length; ++i) {
                  var cover = covers.item(i); // get a cover from covers array
                  // get the image filename
                  var image = cover.getElementsByTagName("image").
                  var title = cover.getElementsByTagName("title").
                  // create li and img element to display the image
                  var imageLI = document.createElement("li");
                  var imageTag = document.createElement("img");
                  // set img element's src attribute
                  imageTag.setAttribute("src", baseUrl + encodeURI(image));
                  imageTag.setAttribute("alt", title);
                  imageLI.appendChild(imageTag); // place img in li
                  imagesUL.appendChild(imageLI); // place li in ul
                } // end for statement
                html_covers.appendChild(imagesUL); // append ul to covers div
              } // end if
            } // end function processResponse

            // clears the covers div
            function clearImages() {
              document.getElementById("covers").innerHTML = "";
            } // end function clearImages

            var global_name = "all.xml";
            // register event listeners
            function registerListeners() {
                function() {
                }, false);
                function() {
                }, false);
                function() {
                }, false);
                function() {
                }, false);
                function() {
                }, false);
                "click", clearImages, false);
            } // end function registerListeners
            window.addEventListener("load", registerListeners, false);

          <input type="radio" name="Books" value="all" id="all"> All Books
          <input type="radio" name="Books" value="simply" id="simply"> Simply Books
          <input type="radio" name="Books" value="howto" id="howto"> How to Program Books
          <input type="radio" name="Books" value="dotnet" id="dotnet"> .NET Books
          <input type="radio" name="Books" value="javaccpp" id="javaccpp"> Java/C/C++ Books
          <input type="radio" checked name="Books" value="none" id="none"> None
          <div id="covers"></div>
