The Best Features of the Internet
Go to Favorite Bugs
- You can meet people from countries around the world.
- You have access to new media as it becomes public:
- New games
- New applications
- For Business
- For Pleasure
- Around the clock news
- Search Engines
- Shopping
- Programming
- Java
- Dynamic HTML
- Scripts
- New languages
- Links
- Keeping in touch with old friends
- It is the technology of the future!
Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content
Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content
Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content
Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content
Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content
My 3 Favorite Bugs
Go to Favorite Features
- Fire Fly
- Gal Ant
- Roman Tic
We can even reference an id in a different HTML document on a different host